Working in Belarus

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Job search and hiring procedure

A job can be found at the National Job Bank at or at other relevant Internet resources, in print media.

When you have found a job, your employer is to obtain a special work permit for you, and to make an employment contract for a period specified in the special work permit.

Note: It is prohibited to conclude civil law contracts or any other types of employment contracts with foreigners.

You will get a copy of this special permit and a second counterpart of the employment contract.

  • The special permit is issued for a year and also may be prolonged for a year. If you are willing to continue working, the employer will receive/prolong the special permit again.
  • If you are a highly qualified specialist, a special permit will be issued for two years and should be extended for the same period.


the special permit is not required for citizens of Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia, and an employer has the right to enter into civil law contracts.

After five years of continuous residence in Belarus, you can apply for permanent residence.

Attention: If you are a specialist required by any organization of the Republic of Belarus with the appropriate confirmation, the employer can apply for your permanent residence in the Republic of Belarus immediately after signing the employment contract.

Employment contract is concluded in Russian and (or) Belarusian, as well as in your native language or any language you understand, if Russian and(or) Belarusian are not among them. If you are not in Belarus yet, you can ask your employer to send a draft employment contract for review, as you will sign it after your arrival.

The employment contract shall contain:

  • term of the employment contract
  • procedure, causes for termination, amendment and extension of the employment contract
  • conditions for moving to Belarus
  • procedure for remuneration of labor
  • rights and obligations of the employer and employee
  • place of work position, profession
  • nutritional conditions
  • residence conditions
  • medical support
  • social insurance

Working in Belarus

If you need a visa to enter Belarus, you can get it at the Belarusian embassy or consulate in your country or at Minsk airport, if there is no Belarusian embassy or consulate in your country. On their websites, as well as on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, there are all the requirements for obtaining an employment visa.

In order to stay in Belarus legally, you shall, within 10 days after arrival, either register for 90 days (a), and then receive temporary residence, or immediately receive temporary residence (b), if you already have a special permit and an employment contract:

you can register at the Citizenship and Migration Units at your place of residence or at, for which you need to create a personal account there, select the category “Citizenship and migration” (code of the foreigners registration service – in the “Available services” tab, order a service, fill in all required fields in the application. After sending the application, a message about successful registration appears, or the system will recommend contacting the regional Citizenship and Migration Units if the information does not match.

Keep in mind: You can be registered by someone else, indicating your passport and other data, but remember that the responsibility for the correct registration rests only with you!

temporary residence can only be obtained at the regional Citizenship and Migration Units at your place of residence, where there is all the information about the documents required for this.

If you arrived with your family, you shall also register all family members.

Keep in mind: You can be registered by someone else, indicating your passport and other data, but remember that the responsibility for the correct registration rests only with you! Arrival and registration Exception: citizens of Russia are registered within 90 days from the date of arrival, citizens of Latvia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, the United Arab Emirates, Ukraine and Estonia – 30 days, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia – 30 days (if they entered into employment or civil law contract within 10 days from the date of arrival).

Keep in mind: education documents shall be translated and recognised, if the employer requires this (National Institute of Higher Education, Belarus ENIC) +375172281313, Your medical support is carried out in accordance with the terms of the employment contract (where it should be clearly indicated at whose expense) and the insurance policy. If necessary, you can get more detailed information from the Ministry of Health by phone: +375172227080

Exception: citizens of the CIS member states (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Ukraine) do not need an insurance policy. If you arrived with your family, your minor children have access to preschool, school and special education on an equal basis with minor Belarusian children. To do this, you must contact the educational authorities at the place of registration. If necessary, you can get more detailed information at the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus by phone: +375172226197      +375172226481

Payment of compulsory insurance contributions for state social insurance from your salary is a guarantee of receiving benefits and payments for temporary disability and accidents, as well as family benefits (benefits in connection with birth and childcare), etc., and income tax is a guarantee that the employer does not hide the income received through your labor. At the end of your work, you will be given an employment record book for confirmation of employment period in Belarus and receiving a pension. If you are faced with a violation of labor rights by the employer, be sure to contact the Department of State Labor Inspection of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus with a written appeal (+375173064117) or to make a court claim at the employer's location with a statement of claim.


Working in Belarus