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Mikalai Ramaniuk

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Author of over 950 scientific works (of which 311 are abroad), including 5 monographs, 4 textbooks, 42 teaching aids and complexes, 570 patents for inventions.

Rector’s Office:
Office 220, BSATU Building No. 1
Phone: +375 17 272-47-71



First vice-rector 

Aliaksei Miranovich

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Author of more than 100 works, including 2 monographs, 4 teaching aids, 30 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals, 62 articles and materials of international scientific and technical conferences, 1 patent for a utility model and 9 patents for inventions of the Republic of Belarus.

First Vice-Rector’s Office:
Office 220, BSATU Building No. 1
Phone: +375 17 272-47-90



Vice-rector for scientific work

Ihar Kruk

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Author (co-author) of 265 scientific, educational and methodical works (of which 66 - abroad), including 5 monographs (3 - abroad), 30 educational and methodical manuals, 28 patents for invention and utility model. 9 developments in the field of technical support for soil cultivation and the introduction of chemicals in crop production have been introduced into production.

Vice-Rector’s Office:
Office 629, BSATU Building No. 5
Phone: +375 17 272-34-04



Vice-rector for academic and educational work

Uladzimir Sinelnikau 

Candidate of Economical Sciences, Associate Professor

The results of scientific works are published in 142 national and foreign scientific journals (including 5 of which are in English). During the work, 3 monographs were prepared in co-authorship and published. 12 educational publications were prepared and published in co-authorship (4 of which are certified by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus)

Vice-Rector’s Office:
Office 315, BSATU Building No. 4
Phone: +375 17 375-45-81



Vice-rector for academic affairs and production

Dzmitry Zhdanko

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Author of 225 scientific works, including 1 monograph, 28 textbooks co-authored with the stamp of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 35 patents for utility models and inventions.

Vice-Rector’s Office:
Office 322, BSATU Building No. 1
Phone: +375 17 395-60-15



Director of the Professional development and retraining institute of agribusiness specialists

Mikalai Yakouchyk

Doctor of Economics, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor 

Author of more than 230 scientific works independently and in co-authorship, including 14 monographs, 5 textbooks, 2 invention patents.

Director’s Office:
Office 306, BSATU Building No. 5/3
Phone: +375 17 272-96-81




Vice-rector for administrative and maintenance work

Valiantsin Sudakou

Vice-Rector’s Office:
Office 222, BSATU Building No. 1
Phone: +375 17 272-50-32




Vice-rector for security, discipline and human resources

Aliaksandr Suhak

Vice-Rector’s Office:
Office 221, BSATU Building No. 1
Phone: +375 17 393-06-90