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Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University (BSATU) is the leading center in the field of agricultural technical education in the Republic of Belarus, which is accredited as a scientific organization. BGATU is known not only as an institution of higher education, but also as a modern scientific center of the country, where the integration of science, education and production is carried out. The University has a high scientific and technical potential, a modern research base, the latest experimental equipment that allows to carry out the complex scientific research, as well as to ensure its introduction in manufacture and to train highly qualified specialists. At the university research is conducted by 33 departments, 26 department branches, the Research Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture, the Institute of Advanced Training and Retraining of Agricultural Specialists of agro industrial complex, 17 research laboratories, 4 student research laboratories in the following main areas:

  • Formation of a high level of general and professional culture of agricultural engineers and organization and content improvement of the educational process.
  • Technologies and means of mechanization of agricultural production.
  • Technologies and technical means of agricultural machinery efficiency.
  • Agropower engineering, power supply, automation and energy saving in the agro-industrial complex.
  • Adaptation program of agricultural enterprises to the market system.
  • Technology and technical means of processing and storage of agricultural products.


he research topics of postgraduates, doctoral students and applicants correspond to the priority areas of scientific and technical activity in the Republic of Belarus.

BSATU has developed a number of scientific schools in priority areas:

  • Technologies and means of production, processing and storage mechanization of agricultural products.
  • Technical means of low-temperature thermo-dependent electrical resistance heating in technological processes of agricultural production.
  • Improving management efficiency of the innovative activities of the agro-industrial complex.
  • Ecological compatibility of machine and tractor running systems and operating elements with the soil.
  • Improving the reliability and quality of agricultural power supply.
  • Manufacturing technology of wear-resistant operating elements of tillage, planting and harvesting machines.
  • Resource-saving and environmentally friendly technologies for the manure disposal at livestock farms.
  • Technologies and equipment for the large-fruited cranberries production.
  • Technologies for obtaining porous materials with different physical and technical properties.
  • Technologies and means of mechanization of cultivated crops.
  • Development of scientific and practical basis for improving the processes and equipment of cultivating agricultural raw materials.
  • Deformation of inhomogeneous elastic-viscoelastic surroundings.
  • Renewable energy sources in the agro-industrial complex.
  • Technology and technological processes of solid-state crystal structures formation and properties.
  • Technology of hardening, restoration and processing of machine parts in the electromagnetic field.
  • Spectroscopy and photochemistry of biologically active molecules.
  • Efficiency and energy security research of agricultural production systems.
  • Preparation and distribution of cattle feed mixtures by multifunctional machines.
  • Automation and robotization of technological processes in the agro-industrial complex.
  • Algorithmic and technical problems of building multi-level networks of accounting, control and management of energy consumption.


Agricultural machines, technologies, equipment, devices and materials, computer programs which are created by BSATU scientists are competitive and widely used in production.

The main scientific and technical developments of BSATU *

A number of scientific problems are investigated during the process of training scientific and pedagogical specialists through postgraduate and doctoral studies.

Scientific research at the university is an obligatory component of scientific and practical training of the students, as well as the formation of innovative thinking and professional competence of the future specialists in modern agricultural production. The results of scientific research are used in the educational process. At the same time, young specialists are involved in a constant process of getting new knowledge, which they will use in their work. The students are involved in carrying out the scientific research and it gives them valuable experience of independent scientific work, develops their ability to see the problem being solved, and trains how to search for the necessary information and to see the ways to solve problems.

The main directions of students’ scientific research at the university are: carrying out diploma, course projects and laboratory work on scientific and industrial topics; writing an essay and making a report on a given scientific topic; performing research and design work during industrial practice activities, participation in rationalization and invention; taking part in student scientific societies at the departments; participation in research and development work carried out with the help of organizations and enterprises; participation in patent search, registration and filling of patent applications, etc.